About Us

Robot games is a technology and robotics newsletter where we host year around games for robots and share other competitions where you can take your robotic wizard mind and compete with others. Technology has changed each and every aspect of development. With the invention of mechanical human made beings aka robots, the progress to future technology has widened up.


Even though robots are not used that extensively in day to day lives, they are paving way for upcoming technologies and what we could witness. Robotics is a great part of technology and one of the most advanced fields. You can follow our newsletter updates to know more about the upcoming competition.

You can write a featured post about a company or technology service you use in your day to day life. We welcome all informative articles related to technology and we love to share the knowledge so that more and more people are aware about the new tech developing!

You can contact us by filling in the form or emailing us at info@robotgames.ca. We appreciate your feedback! Keep following and stay tuned to robot games!